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News and events

Launch of Vocational Qualifications Pathway (VQP) for the Human Resource Management sector and Import & Export industry 01 APR 2024

VQP for Human Resource Management (HRM) Sector

The VQP for HRM sector was launched in April 2024, illustrating 12 key occupational / job roles in the three areas of specialty, namely Human Resource Generalist, Specialist in Talent Management and Specialist in Workforce Planning and Resourcing.


VQP for Import & Export Industry - e-Business

The VQP for e-business was officially launched on 1st April 2024. 12 principal jobs in the industry were identified and apped with the Units of Competency from the S E-business SCS Supplement for Import & Export Industry.


For details, please visit the respective industry webpages (HRM Sector, Import & Export).

Launch of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the Arboriculture & Horticulture industry 01 APR 2024

The RPL mechanism for the Arboriculture and Horticulture industry was officially launched on 1 April 2024.  Interested practitioners are welcome to visit the QF website for details.

Invitation to Expression of Interest – Project on the Development of Specifications of Competency Standards (SCS), SCS-based Training Packages and Vocational Qualifications Pathways (VQP) for industries implementing QF (valid for the period 1 April 2024 t 01 APR 2024

Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on the Development of Specifications of Competency Standards (SCS), SCS-based Training Packages and Vocational Qualifications Pathways (VQP) for industries implementing Qualifications Framework in Hong Kong. the EoI is valid for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. Interested organisations should complete the Expression of Interest Form and return it to the QFS by email: or fax: 3106 2035 on or before 31 March 2025.

Invitation to Expression of interest – Assessment Agency (AA) for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Mechanism for the Logistics Industry 28 MAR 2024

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites organisations that are interested in undertaking the role of AA for the RPL mechanism for the Logistics Industry to express their interests by completing the Expression of Interest Form and returning it to the QFS by email: or fax: 3106 2035 on or before 30 April 2024.


Expression of Interest Form

Sharing Session on Good Practices on Credit Accumulation and Transfer under the Qualifications Framework 19 MAR 2024

The Sharing Session on Good Practices on Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) under the Qualifications Framework, organised by the Qualifications Framework Secretariat and co-organised by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications, was successfully held on 19 March 2024. Three distinguished speakers from the higher education institution, industry academy and professional body were invited to share their valuable experiences in implementing CAT. The new version of the "Policy, Principles and Operational Guidelines for Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT)" was also disseminated during the session. The event attracted an audience of over 150 individuals from various education and training providers.

Industry Consultation on the Draft Units of Competencies (UoCs) of Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) in Electrical Engineering for Electrical & Mechanical Services Industry 22 JAN 2024

The draft new Units of Competencies (UoCs) for the Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) in the Electrical Engineering for Electrical & Mechanical Services Industry prepared by Electrical & Mechanical Services Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) is now available for industry consultation. The consultation period will run for six weeks, starting from 22 January and concluding on 4 March 2024, during which stakeholders are encouraged to provide their views on the draft.

Download Draft Units of Competencies (UoCs) of Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) in Electrical Engineering (Chinese version only)


Download Consultation Questionnaire (Chinese version only)

Sharing Session on the Applications of Vocational Qualification Pathway (VQP) in Industry Development and Talent Training 07 NOV 2023

The sharing session on the "Applications of Vocational Qualification Pathway (VQP) in Industry Development and Talent Training" was held on 7 November 2023. Representatives of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) and the Social Welfare Department (SWD) shared their experiences in applying the VQP to the "Registration Scheme for Vehicle Maintenance" and the Elderly Services Accreditation Course respectively at the event.  Also, representative from Asia Airfreight Terminal (AAT) shared the advantages of applying the VQP in terms of talent development from an enterprise perspective.  It served as a showcase for industries, especially for those industries who do not have any licensing requirements, to promote and encourage stakeholders to apply the VQP in human resources management and training areas.  Moreover, representatives from the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) and HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE) also shared their views on the development of the VQP programme, their experiences in programme development as well as their future development directions. About 170 representatives from industry stakeholders, employers, education and training institutions and professional bodies participated in the event.

Briefing Session on Qualifications Framework 20 JUN 2023

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) delivered a briefing session for the staff at The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, Qualifications Framework Resource Centre on 20th June 2023. The QFS introduced Qualifications Framework (QF), including Specification of Competency Standards (SCS), Vocational Qualifications Pathway (VQP), Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Mechanism and Award Scheme for Learning Experiences. The briefing session aimed to enhance the QF knowledge of the staff and facilitate their daily operation work. Around 40 staff joined the briefing session.

QF Partnerships Commendation Ceremony cum QF 15th Anniversary Celebration 10 MAY 2023

QF Partnerships Commendation Ceremony cum QF 15th Anniversary Celebration was successfully held on 10 May 2023.  Certificates of commendation were presented by Mr SZE Chun-fai, acting Secretary for Education to over 100 organisations for their support and contributions to Qualifications Framework (QF).  12 organisations and 11 partner organisations were commended as 2022 QFIA Achiever and QFIA Achiever (Partner) at the Ceremony.  Mr. SZE Chun-fai hopes other organisations could make reference to these exemplary practices in applying the QF elements in the future.

Press release : Acting SED commends Qualifications Framework Partners

Event booklet : QF Partnerships Commendation Ceremony cum QF 15th Anniversary Celebration (Chinese version only)

Photo album 1: Reception area

Photo album 2: Opening

Photo album 3: QF Star Employer and QF Gold Star Employer

Photo album 4: QF Star Training Provider

Photo album 5: QFIA

Photo album 6: Celebration of 10th Anniversary of ITACs

Photo album 7: Other Snapshots

Invitation to Expression of Interest – Project on the Development of Specification Competency Standard (SCS)-based Training Packages for e-business for Import & Export industry 02 MAY 2023

Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on the Development of SCS-based Training Packages for e-business for Import & Export industry. Interested organisations should complete the following Expression of Interest Form and return it to the QFS by email: or fax: 3106 2035 on or before 31 May 2023.

Interested organisations are welcome to visit SCS-based Training Packages for details.


Expression of Interest Form

"QF in Action" 2023/24 01 APR 2023

"QF in Action" (thereafter "QFIA") is a new initiative of Qualifications Framework.  Through encouraging different organisations to develop QF-related projects, it aims to promote lifelong learning with a view to enhancing the capability and competitiveness of the human capital and facilitating a sustainable professional development of various trades in Hong Kong. 

Each cohort of QFIA lasts for 2 years.  Upon successful completion of the projects, participating organisations will be recogised as "QFIA Achiever" of that cohort in order to signify their achievements as role models of applying QF.

2023/24 cohort of QFIA starts on 1 April 2023. For details, please refer to Overview of "QF in Action" 2023/24.  Interested organisation is required to complete the Expression of Interest (EoI) form and submit to QF Secretariat on or before 30 September 2023.

Industry Consultation on the Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) (2.0) for the Retail Industry 01 APR 2023

The Retail Industry Training Advisory Committee has completed the SCS (2.0) for the Retail industry. The consultation will start from 1 April to 31 May 2023. The consultation document and the questionnaire can be downloaded from the following hyperlinks:


  • Consultation document (Chinese Version only)
  • Questionnaire for Industry Consultation (Chinese Version only) (Please complete the questionnaire on or before 31 May 2023
Invitation to Expression of Interest – Development of Specification of Competency Standards (SCS)-based Training Package for the Elderly Care Service Industry 31 JAN 2023

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the development of SCS-based training package for the elderly care service industry. Interested organisations should complete the following Expression of Interest form and return it to the QFS by email ( or fax (3106 2035) on or before 28 February 2023. Interested organisations are welcome to visit our website ( for further information about Training Packages.


Expression of Interest Form

Invitation to Expression of Interest –Development of Specification of Competency Standards(SCS)-based Training Package for the Banking Industry 03 JAN 2023

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the development of SCS-based training package for the banking industry. Interested organisations should complete the following Expression of Interest form and return it to QFS by email: or fax: 3106-2035 on or before 20 January 2023. Interested organisations are welcome to visit our website for further information about the Training Packages.

Expression of Interest Form

Industry Consultation on SCS-based Training Package on Credit Risk Management for Banking Industry 01 NOV 2022

The SCS-based Training Package on Credit Risk Management for Banking Industry (Module 1 and Module 2 of Enhanced Competency Framework on Credit Risk Management) is now ready for industry consultation.  All education and training providers, including banks offering in-house training courses, are welcome to provide your views and suggestions by completing the online questionnaire on or before 2 December 2022.   The consultation documents can be downloaded below:

Full Set of Training Package

Learning and Teaching Guide

Assessment Guide

Online Questionnaire

Invitation to Expression of Interest - Project on Professional Production of Specification of Generic Competencies for Communication Skills 26 SEP 2022

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on Professional Production of Specification of Generic Competencies for Communication Skills. Interested organisations should complete the Expression of Interest Form and return it to the QFS by email: or fax: 3106 2035 on or before 28 October 2022.


Expression of Interest Form

Invitation to Expression of interest – Assessment Agency (AA) for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Mechanism for the Arboriculture & Horticulture (A&H) Industry 19 SEP 2022

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the role of AA for the RPL mechanism for the A&H Industry. Interested organisations should complete the Expression of Interest Form and return it to the QFS by email: or fax: 3106 2035 on or before 19 October 2022.


Expression of Interest Form

Consultation on the draft E-Business Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) Supplement for the Import & Export Industry 05 AUG 2022

The draft E-business Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) Supplement prepared by the Import & Export Industry Training Advisory is now ready for industry consultation during the two-month consultation period from 5 August to 5 October 2022. The draft SCS Supplement (Chinese version only) can be downloaded here.


Industry stakeholders wishing to express your views on the draft SCS Supplement are welcome to complete and submit the online questionnaire (Chinese version only) by 5 October 2022.


Related link: Qualifications Framework What's New

Industry Consultation on the draft SCS-based Training Packages of the Beauty Industry 10 JUN 2022

The draft Specification of Competency Standards (SCS)-based training packages drawn up for the Beauty industry "基礎芳香療法知識及應用(三級)" and "進階芳香療法知識及應用(四級)" are now ready for consultation (consultation period: 13 Jun 2022 - 24 Jul 2022).  An online consultation session will be held on 30 Jun 2022. Please click here for details and registration (Chinese version only).

Job Function Download Questionnaire

Draft version
(Chinese version only)

Questionnaire (Chinese version only)

Online Questionnaire (Chinese version only)


Draft version
(Chinese version only)

Consultation on Good Practices on Credit Accumulation and Transfer under the Qualifications Framework 23 MAY 2022

The Education Bureau has introduced the Policy, Principles and Operational Guidelines for Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) under the Qualifications Framework to facilitate the recognition and transfer of credits, to minimise repeated learning, and to effectively support lifelong learning.

Consultation on Good Practices on Credit Accumulation and Transfer under the Qualifications Framework

The Education Bureau has issued a consultation document to solicit views from stakeholders on the proposed good practices on credit accumulation and transfer under the Qualifications Framework (QF). An online consultation session will be held on 13 June 2022 and representatives of education and training providers are welcome to join. For registration, please complete the FORM here. In the meantime, education and training providers are invited to send their views and comments on the consultation document to the QF Secretariat on or before 24 June 2022.

Consultation document

Glossary of terms

Programme of consultation session


Download the details of:

Policy, Principles and Operational Guidelines for CAT

Leaflet on CAT

CAT Animation


Past Events

Industry Consultation on the Updates of Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) for ICT Industry 16 MAY 2022

The ICT Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) has completed the updating exercise for the SCS for ICT industry. The updates mainly cover the relevant competency requirements in view of the development of the six emerging areas, i.e. AI, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Data Science, eSports Technology and IoT. The proposed Vocational Qualifications Pathways (VQP) which cover the principal job posts and their competency requirements are also drawn up for reference by the industry stakeholders, and facilitate them to apply the SCS to various areas, e.g. Human Resources Management, staff training, course development.

The industry consultation starts from 16 May 2022 to 15 July 2022. Stakeholders who wish to send feedbacks on the updates of SCS may complete and return the questionnaire to the Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) via email ( during the consultation period.

The relevant consultation documents and questionnaire are provided below:

A Review on Development of ICT Industry

Proposed Vocational Qualifications Pathways (VQP) for the six emerging areas:
 - AI
 - Cloud Computing
 - Cybersecurity
 - Data Science
 - eSports Technology
 - IoT

Full List of Units of Competency (UoCs)

Detailed Content of Units of Competency (UoCs)


Industry Consultation on the draft Specification of Competency Standards update related to Vocational Qualifications Pathway for Printing & Publishing Industry 16 MAY 2022

he draft updates to the Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) related to Vocational Qualifications Pathway (VQP) for the Printing and Publishing industry prepared by the Printing & Publishing Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) are now ready for industry consultation (consultation period: 16 May 2022 – 15 July 2022). The ITAC will hold a consultation session on 9 June 2022 to gather views from stakeholders on the draft.


Stakeholders wishing to express your views on the draft can complete the questionnaires (Chinese version only) and return them to the Qualifications Framework Secretariat on or before 15 July 2022 by email (, fax (3106 2035) or by mail (Qualifications Framework Secretariat, Units 901-903, 9/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre, 248 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong).



Item Questionnaire for
industry consultation
A. Units of Competency related to Printing VQP

Download PDF / Online

1. Update on Units of Competency related to Printing VQP in the current SCS

2. New Units of Competency related to Printing VQP

3. Updated parts on Printing VQP

4. Suggested "Clusters of Units of Competency" under the principal jobs in the Publishing VQP


Item Questionnaire for
industry consultation
B. Units of Competency related to Publishing VQP

Download PDFOnline

1. Update on Units of Competency related to Publishing VQP in the current SCS

2. New Units of Competency related to Publishing VQP

3. Updated parts on Publishing VQP

4. Suggested "Clusters of Units of Competency" under the principal jobs in the Publishing VQP


Consultation cum Sharing Session for the draft Specification of Competency Standards update related to Vocational Qualifications Pathway for Printing & Publishing Industry

Date: 9 June 2022 (Thursday)

Time: 3:00pm – 4:45pm

Mode: Online ZOOM Webinar (login information will be sent to successfully registered participants via email at 1 day prior to the event)

Medium: Cantonese

Programme Rundown (in Chinese only)

Register for Consultation cum Sharing Session (registration deadline: 3 June 2022)

Industry Consultation on the draft Specification of Competency Standards update related to Vocational Qualifications Pathway for Insurance Industry 28 FEB 2022

Updates to the Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) related to Vocational Qualifications Pathway (VQP) for the Insurance industry have been drafted and are now ready for consultation (consultation period: 28 February – 18 May 2022). An online consultation session cum sharing session will be held on 29 April 2022. The enrollment form of the consultation session can be downloaded at this link.

Stakeholders wishing to express views on the draft SCS related to VQP can also complete the questionnaire and return it to the Qualifications Framework Secretariat on or before 18 May 2022 by email (, fax (3106 2035) or by mail (Units 901-903, 9/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre, 248 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong).



Update on Units of Competency related to VQP in the current SCS

New Units of Competency related to VQP

VQP for Insurance Industry

Questionnaire (Online version) (PDF version)

Rundown of Consultation Session cum Sharing Session

QFS office is temporarily closed with effect from 4 Feb 2022 until further notice 10 FEB 2022

Press Release by the Government of the HKSAR

Qualifications Framework Secretariat – Special Arrangements for Reimbursement of Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment Fees 04 FEB 2022

In view of the latest development of the novel coronavirus, all application forms and supporting documents for reimbursement of Recognition of Prior Learning assessment fees can only be submitted by post.  For enquiries, please contact us on 3793 3957.

*Please note that the processing time for reimbursement applications may be slightly longer . We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Launch of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) mechanism for the Fashion industry 01 JAN 2022

The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) mechanism for the Fashion industry has been launched since January 2022. The Assessment Agency of RPL for the industry is Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA).  There are 27 Clusters of Units of Competency for the Fashion industry.  Details of the RPL clusters will be announced in the CITA's Website later.

QFS speaks at the HKCAAVQ press conference 28 DEC 2021

On 28 December 2021, the General Manager of QF Secretariat (QFS), Steve Lai, joined the Education Bureau (EDB) and Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) in a press conference hosted by HKCAAVQ to announce the positive results of an external review coordinated by The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) on how HKCAAVQ meets the expectations of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area with "substantial compliance" .

In his speech at the opening ceremony, Mr. Lai showed appreciation for the unrelenting support of HKCAAVQ in upholding the robustness of quality assurance for QF. With strong commitment and policy direction of EDB, Mr. Lai expressed his wish to continue the close partnership between QFS and HKCAAVQ to enhance the competitiveness of workforce through promoting quality-assured lifelong learning in Hong Kong.

Related link: Event page and press release by HKCAAVQ

Industry Consultation on the draft SCS-based Training Package of the Hairdressing Industry 16 DEC 2021

The draft Specification of Competency Standards (SCS)-based training package drawn up for the Hairdressing industry "顧客服務及銷售" is now ready for consultation (consultation period: 16 Dec 2021 - 27 Jan 2022).  An online consultation session had been held on 14 Jan 2022.  For details, please refer to the relevant website.

Job Function Download Questionnaire
顧客服務及銷售 (三級)

Draft version
(Chinese version only)

Questionnaire (Chinese version only)

Online Questionnaire (Chinese version only)

Invitation to Expression of Interest – Project on Updating of Units of Competency for the Manufacturing Technology (Tooling, Metals & Plastics) Industry 09 NOV 2021

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on Updating of Units of Competency for the Manufacturing Technology (Tooling, Metals & Plastics) Industry.

Interested organisations should complete the Expression of Interest form and return it to QFS by email: or fax: 3106-2035 on or before 10 December 2021.

Expression of Interest Form

Invitation to Expression of interest – Assessment Agency (AA) for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Mechanism for the Arboriculture & Horticulture (A&H) Industry 11 AUG 2021

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the role of AA for the RPL mechanism for the A&H Industry. Interested organisations should complete the Expression of Interest Form and return it to the QFS by email: or fax: 3106 2035 on or before 10 September 2021.


Expression of Interest Form

Industry Consultation on the Draft Vocational Qualifications Pathway for Human Resource Management Sector (1 August 2021 to 30 September 2021) 01 AUG 2021

The Draft Vocational Qualifications Pathway (VQP) for Human Resource Management (HRM) Sector developed by HRM Cross-Industry Training Advisory Committee (CITAC) is now ready for industry consultation. The consultation will last for two months from 1 August 2021 to 30 September 2021. During the consultation period, the HRM CITAC will hold a consultation session on 6 September 2021 to collect views on the Draft from stakeholders.

The Draft VQP for HRM sector illustrates 12 key occupational / job roles in the three areas of specialty, namely Human Resource Generalist, Specialist in Talent Management and Specialist in Workforce Planning and Resourcing. The structural diagram below shows the overarching VQP for HRM sector:



Vocational qualification specifications are constructed for the 12 key occupational / job roles. Each set of vocational qualification specifications consists of three parts of information namely Job Description and Competency Requirements, Qualification Specifications and Mapping of Units of Competency (UoCs), as well as Critical Developmental and Learning Experience Associated for Career Progression.



Vocational Qualification Specifications for Human Resource Generalist

  • Vocational Qualification Specifications for Director (Human Resource)
  • Vocational Qualification Specifications for Manager (Human Resource)
  • Vocational Qualification Specifications for Officer (Human Resource)
  • Vocational Qualification Specifications for Associate (Human Resource)



Vocational Qualification Specifications for Specialist in Talent Management

  • Vocational Qualification Specifications for Director (Talent Management)
  • Vocational Qualification Specifications for Manager (Talent Management)
  • Vocational Qualification Specifications for Officer (Talent Management)
  • Vocational Qualification Specifications for Associate (Talent Management)



Vocational Qualification Specifications for Specialist in Workforce Planning and Resourcing

  • Vocational Qualification Specifications for Director (Workforce Planning and Resourcing)
  • Vocational Qualification Specifications for Manager (Workforce Planning and Resourcing)
  • Vocational Qualification Specifications for Officer (Workforce Planning and Resourcing)
  • Vocational Qualification Specifications for Associate (Workforce Planning and Resourcing)




Consultation Session for the Draft Vocational Qualifications Pathway for Human Resource Management Sector

Date:     6 September 2021 (Monday)

Time:     3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Venue:   VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Format:  Hybrid Format (Live broadcast / In-person)

Medium: Cantonese


Programme Rundown

Register for the Consultation Session

Industry Consultation on the Draft Specification of Competency Standards for Travel Industry (15 July 2021 to 14 October 2021) 14 JUL 2021

The Draft Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) for Travel Industry prepared by Travel Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) is now ready for industry consultation. The consultation will last for three months from 15 July to 14 October 2021. During the consultation period, the Travel ITAC will hold a consultation session on 24 September 2021 to gather views on the Draft from stakeholders.


The Draft SCS for Travel Industry consists of four main parts:

(In Chinese only)

(1) Environmental Scan of Travel Industry


(2) Major Functional Areas of Travel Industry


(3) Associated Units of Competency Standards (UoCs)


(4) The Vocational Qualifications Pathway(VQP) including a roadmap for progression with major job positions and the respective competencies



Consultation and Sharing Session for the Draft Specification of Competency Standards for Travel Industry

Date: 24 September 2021 (Friday)

Time: 3:00pm–5:00pm

Venue: Yeung Kai-yin Memorial Lecture Theatre, 7/F, VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Mode: Attend Online ZOOM webinar (login information will be sent to successfully registered participants at 1 day prior to the event), or in-person (limited seats up to 50 for registration)

Medium: Cantonese


Programme Rundown (in Chinese only)

Register for Consultation and Sharing Session

Launch of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the Security Services industry 01 JUL 2021

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a mechanism under the Qualifications Framework (QF). It aims to enable practitioners with various backgrounds to receive formal recognition of the knowledge, skills and experience already acquired. Aspiring practitioners can determine their starting points for learning and progression based on the qualification levels they have already acquired to minimise the need for repetitious training of the same skills. Employers may also formulate training programmes in respect of the competencies and qualification levels attained by their employees to meet organizational needs.

The Assessment Agency of RPL for the Security Services industry is HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education.  For details of application procedures and other relevant information , please refer to the relevant website.

Launch of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the Information & Communications Technology industry (Operation and Support) 01 JUL 2021

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a mechanism under the Qualifications Framework (QF). It aims to enable practitioners with various backgrounds to receive formal recognition of the knowledge, skills and experience already acquired. Aspiring practitioners can determine their starting points for learning and progression based on the qualification levels they have already acquired to minimise the need for repetitious training of the same skills. Employers may also formulate training programmes in respect of the competencies and qualification levels attained by their employees to meet organizational needs.

The Assessment Agency of RPL for the Information and Communications Technology industry is HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education.  For details of application procedures and other relevant information , please refer to the relevant website.

"2021/22 QF in Action" is open for submission of Expression of Interest 01 APR 2021

"QF in Action" (thereafter "QFIA") is a new initiative of Qualifications Framework.  Through encouraging different organisations to develop QF-related projects, it aims to promote lifelong learning with a view to enhancing the capability and competitiveness of the human capital and facilitating a sustainable professional development of various trades in Hong Kong.

Each cohort of QFIA lasts for 2 years.  Upon successful completion of the projects, participating organisations will be recogised as "QFIA Achiever" of that cohort in order to signify their achievements as role models of applying QF.

2021/22 cohort of QFIA starts on 1 April 2021.  Interested organisations are welcome to submit Expression of Interest to Qualifications Framework Secretariat on or before 30 June 2021.  


For details of application procedures and other relevant information , please refer to the relevant website.

Invitation to Expression of Interest - Project on Revision of Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) for the Retail Industry 29 MAR 2021

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on Revision of Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) for the Retail Industry. Interested organisations should complete the Expression of Interest form and return it to QFS by email: or fax: 3106-2035 on or before 28 April 2021.

USED commends Qualifications Framework partners (with photos) 25 MAR 2021

For details, please refer to the relevant website.

Qualifications Framework Partnerships Commendation Ceremony and QF in Action Launch Ceremony 25 MAR 2021

Qualifications Framework Partnerships Commendation Ceremony and QF in Action Launch Ceremony was successfully held on 25 March 2021. Certificates of commendation were presented by Dr CHOI Yuk-lin, Under Secretary for Education to over 100 organisations for their support and contributions to Qualifications Framework (QF). The Ceremony also unveiled a new cohort of the QF in Action, and Dr CHOI looked forward to seeing more enterprises and organisations implement and promote the QF.

For details, please refer to the relevant website.

Launch of "QF in Action" 25 MAR 2021

"QF in Action" (thereafter "QFIA") is a new initiative of Qualifications Framework.  Through encouraging different organisations to develop QF-related projects, it aims to promote lifelong learning with a view to enhancing the capability and competitiveness of the human capital and facilitating a sustainable professional development of various trades in Hong Kong. 

Each cohort of QFIA lasts for 2 years.  Upon successful completion of the projects, participating organisations will be recogised as "QFIA Achiever" of that cohort in order to signify their achievements as role models of applying QF.


For details, please refer to the relevant website.

Watch videos of awardees of Award Scheme for Learning Experiences sharing their stories19 MAR 2021 19 MAR 2021

For details, please refer to the relevant website.

Application period for the 2021-2021 Award Scheme for Learning Experiences begins on 19 March and ends on 27May 2021 19 MAR 2021

The Award Scheme for Learning Experiences (Award Scheme) is one of the initiatives put forward under the 2013-14 Budget. The Award Scheme aims to encourage practitioners who have excelled themselves in continuous learning in the respective industries to engage in learning activities in different places with a view to broadening their horizons and developing network with local and overseas industry partners within or outside Hong Kong. These awardees will serve as lifelong learning role models for their respective industries and help attract the younger generation to pursue career in these fields and promote the concept of "becoming Master of Trade through Multiple Pathways".

The learning activities for each industry endorsed by the concerned ITACs are listed in the respective industry-specific webpages. 

Applications for the 2021-2022 round will commence on 19 March 2021.


For details, please refer to the relevant website.

Invitation to Expression of interest – Assessment Agency (AA) for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Mechanism for the Beauty Industry 12 MAR 2021

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites organisations that are interested in undertaking the role of AA for the RPL mechanism for the Beauty Industry to express their interests by completing the Expression of Interest Form and returning it to the QFS by email ( or fax (3106 2035) on or before 11 April 2021.

Expression of Interest Form

Invitation to Expression of Interest – Project on Drafting of SCS-based Training Packages for the Banking Industry 02 FEB 2021

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on Drafting of Specification of Competency Standards-based Training Packages for the Banking Industry. Interested organisations should complete the following Expression of Interest form and return it to QFS by email: or fax: 3106-2035 on or before 5 March 2021.

Interested organisations are welcome to visit our website for further information about the Training Packages (

Expression of Interest Form

Qualifications Framework Secretariat and its public service will resume normal operation from 28 January (Thur) 27 JAN 2021

Qualifications Framework Secretariat and its public service will resume normal operation from 28 January (Thur)

Industry Consultation on the Draft Specification of Competency Standards for Elderly Care Service Industry (Community Care and Support) 07 JAN 2021

Industry Consultation


Applications of SCS

SCS-based/SGC-based Course

SCS-based Training Packages

Industry Consultation


Industry Consultation on the Draft Specification of Competency Standards for Elderly Care Service Industry (Community Care and Support)

The Draft Specification of Competency Standards for Elderly Care Service Industry (Community Care and Support) prepared by the Elderly Care Service Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) is now ready for industry consultation. The consultation will last for two months from 7 January to 6 March 2021. The Elderly Care Service ITAC will hold an online briefing and consultation session on 20 January 2021 to gather views from stakeholders on the Draft.

The Draft Elderly Care Service Industry Specification of Competency Standards (Community Care and Support) consists of five main parts:

(in Chinese only)

(1) PEST scan (scanning of political, economic, social and technological factors)


(2) New and revised Units of Competency (UoCs)


(3) Major functional areas and associated UoCs


(4) Grouping of UoCs to UoC Clusters for future reference in the development of training programmes, job competency specifications, Recognition of Prior Learning, etc.


(5) The Vocational Qualifications Pathway (VQP) including a roadmap for progression with major job positions and the respective competencies


Fill in the Online Questionnaire (in Chinese only)

If you have any other comments on the Draft Elderly Care Service Industry Specification of Competency Standards (Community Care and Support), please submit them to the Qualifications Framework Secretariat via the following channels:

Fax: 3106 2035
Post: Units 901-903, 9/F, Sunlight Tower, 248 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Online Briefing and Consultation Session on the Draft Elderly Care Service Industry Specification of Competency Standards (Community Care and Support)

Date: 20 January 2021 (Wednesday)
Time: 10:00 am – 11:45 am
Mode: Online ZOOM meeting (login information will be sent to successfully registered participants later)
Medium: Cantonese

Programme Rundown (in Chinese only)

Register for the Briefing and Consultation Session

Industry Consultation on the draft SCS of the Beauty Industry – Update to the Units of Competency (UoC) on Beauty Care equipment 28 DEC 2020

Update to the UoCs related to use of beauty care equipment for beauty treatments in the Specifications of Competency Standards (SCS) of Beauty industry has been drafted. The Beauty and Hairdressing Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) is now conducting an industry consultation on the draft. The consultation will last for 6 weeks from 28 December 2020 to 7 February 2021. To join the online consultation session on 14 January 2021, please complete the registration form (Chinese version only). The Chinese version of the questionnaire and draft UoCs can be downloaded from this website.

Online Consultation Session (To be Conducted in Cantonese)

  • Date: 14 January 2021 (Thursday)
  • Time: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Mode: Zoom meeting (Login information will be sent to successfully registered participants later)
  • Online registration (Deadline for registration: 11 January 2021)
  • Questionnaire and UoCs for consultation (Chinese version only): PDF Download      Online version 
Invitation to Expression of Interest – Project on Drafting of SCS-based Training Packages for the Catering industry 28 DEC 2020

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on Drafting of Specification of Competency Standards-based Training Packages for the Catering Industry. Interested organisations should complete the Expression of Interest form and return it to QFS by email: or fax: 3106-2035 on or before 27 January 2021.

Industry consultation on the Draft Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) (Version 2) and UoC Clusters for the Fashion Industry 17 DEC 2020

The Draft SCS (Version 2) and UoC Clusters for the Fashion Industry prepared by the Fashion Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) is now ready for industry consultation. The consultation starts from 16 December 2020 to 16 February 2021. During the consultation period, the Fashion ITAC will hold a Consultation Session (click to ⇒ register online* and download rundownto collect opinions from stakeholders on the content and applicability of the draft.

If the online registration link cannot be opened, please contact the contractor for assistance (Whatsapp: 5562 7468 / Email: ) , or you may fill in the registration form (scroll to the bottom of this page to download it) and send it back

1. Draft SCS (Version 2) and UoC Clusters for Fashion Industry

  • Full version of Fashion SCS (Version 2) (Draft)
  • Full version of Fashion UoC Clusters (Draft)
  • The draft Fashion SCS consists of 426 Units of Competency Standards (UoCs), which are distributed in 11 functional areas at QF levels 1 to 7. After de-duplication of common UoCs, the total number of unique UoCs amounts to 374.
Functional Area QF Level Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
 Total (after de-duplication of common UoCs) : 8 32 57 114 135 25 3 374
Design 0 1 5 22 16  1 0 45
Product Development 0 5 6 18  9  0 0 38
Merchandising & Material Procurement 0 1 8 26 20  5 0 60
Sales & Marketing 0 1 5 19 21 11 1 58
Quality System & Sustainability  0   0  4  12   33   7   2  58 
Technical Support (New) 0 5 8 5 9 0 0 27
Material Development (New) 0 1 2 15 11 0 0 29
Production Planning and Control (New) 0 1 2 8 12 1 0 24
Laundry Services (New) 7 17 14 7 16 1 0 62
Auxiliary Skill (New) 1 3 8 0 0 0 0 12
Personnel Management 0 0 0  5  8  0 0  13
Sub-Total (include common UoCs): 8 35 62 137 155 26 3 426

2. Web Consultation Session (To be Conducted in Cantonese)

  • Date: 11 January 2021 (Monday)
  • Time: 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Mode: Live streaming online session
    (Login information will be sent to successfully registered participants)
  • Rundown
  • Online registration  or  Download the registration form   (Chinese version only) 
    (Deadline for registration: 4 January 2021)
Invitation to Expression of Interest – Project on Update of Units of Competency (related to Vocational Qualifications Pathway) for the Insurance Industry 19 OCT 2020

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on Update of Units of Competency (related to Vocational Qualifications Pathway) for the Insurance Industry.

Interested organizations should complete the Expression of Interest form and return it to QFS by email: or fax: 3106-2035 on or before 13 Nov 2020.


Expression of Interest Form

QF Forum for Banking and Insurance Industries - A Pathway to Professional Development (10.9.2020) 10 SEP 2020

The Banking and Insurance Industry Training Advisory Committees jointly organised the QF Forum for Banking and Insurance Industries with the theme "A Pathway to Professional Development" on 10 September 2020. Besides providing an update on the development of Specification of Competency Standards for corporate/commercial banking, the event invited eminent speakers to share their views on the role of QF in enhancing professional development of the banking and insurance industries. Also, a presentation ceremony was staged for the awardees of QF Award Scheme for Learning Experiences in 2019/20 and 2020/21 from both industries. Over 200 industry stakeholders joined the event either onsite or online, providing a good exchange on the roadmap for QF development in the two industries.

  1. Programme
  2. Presentation Material
    PPT by Mr Ma Chan Chi
  3. Video on QF Award Presentation Ceremony
  4. Feature Article (Chinese Version only)
Hong Kong Institute of Bankers is appointed as assessment agency for issuing professional qualifications under Qualifications Framework 03 AUG 2020

Appointment of Hong Kong Institute of Bankers as assessment agency for issuing professional qualifications under Hong Kong Qualifications Framework



     The Education Bureau (EDB) announced today (August 1) the appointment of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) as an assessment agency for issuing professional qualifications for the banking industry under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF).
     A spokesman for the EDB said, "The appointment enhances the development of vocational and professional education and training in the banking industry in Hong Kong. The HKQF-recognised professional qualifications issued by the HKIB promote recognition of skill-based competence and qualifications for the banking industry and provide learners with quality-assured vocational pathways under the HKQF. The qualifications also facilitate the professional development of banking practitioners, which is conducive to maintaining the competitiveness of Hong Kong as an international financial centre."
     "The HKIB has successfully completed the accreditation by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications and has been appointed by the Secretary for Education as an assessment agency for issuing nine types of professional qualifications, namely, Associate Anti-Money Laundering Professional, Certified Anti-Money Laundering Professional, Associate Retail Wealth Professional, Certified Retail Wealth Professional, Associate Cybersecurity Professional, Associate Credit Risk Management Professional, Certified Credit Risk Management Professional (Commercial Lending), Certified Credit Risk Management Professional (Credit Portfolio Management), and Certified Banker, for a term of five years with effect from today. These qualifications are recognised under the HKQF, ranging from HKQF levels 4 to 6," the spokesman added.
     The EDB launched the initiative for recognition of professional qualifications under the HKQF in 2018 to widen the scope of the HKQF. Professional qualifications recognised under the HKQF refer to qualifications granted by bona fide local organisations and underpinned by requisite academic qualifications, prescribed years of industry or professional experience, and robust assessments. Eligible organisations including professional and regulatory bodies may apply to become assessment agencies for issuing professional qualifications under the HKQF. The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Marine Department were appointed as assessment agencies in 2018 for issuing professional qualifications under the HKQF in their respective domains.
     For more information about professional qualifications recognised under the HKQF, please visit the HKQF website:


Ends/Saturday, August 1, 2020
Issued at HKT 14:30

Special Arrangements for Reimbursement of Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment Fees (20 July 2020) 19 JUL 2020

Special Arrangements for Reimbursement of Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment Fees (20 July 2020)

In view of the latest development of the novel coronavirus, all application forms and supporting documents for reimbursement of Recognition of Prior Learning assessment fees can only be submitted by post until further notice.  For enquiries, please contact us on 3793 3957. 

*Please note that the processing time for reimbursement applications may be slightly longer .  We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Invitation to Expression of Interest – Project on Drafting of SCS-based Training Package for Hairdressing industry 16 JUN 2020

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on Drafting of Specification of Competency Standards-based Training Package for the Hairdressing Industry.  Interested organisations should complete the Expression of Interest form and return it to QFS by email: or fax: 3106-2035 on or before 15 July 2020.


For more information, please refer to the information note and relevant website.

Invitation to Expression of Interest – Project on Drafting of SCS-based Training Packages for Beauty industry 16 JUN 2020

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on Drafting of Specification of Competency Standards-based Training Packages for the Beauty Industry.  Interested organisations should complete the Expression of Interest form and return it to QFS by email: or fax: 3106-2035 on or before 15 July 2020.


For more information, please refer to the information note and relevant website.

Invitation for Expression of Interest – Project on Development of Vocational Qualifications Pathway (VQP) for Security Services Industry 15 JUN 2020

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on Development of Vocational Qualifications Pathway (VQP) for Security Services Industry. Interested organisations should complete the Expression of Interested form and return it to the QFS by email: or fax: 3106 2035 on or before 14 July 2020.


For more information, please refer to the information note and relevant website.

Invitation to Expression of Interest – Project on Drafting of Specification of Competency Standards-based Training Packages for the Security Services Industry 15 JUN 2020

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on Drafting of Specification of Competency Standards-based Training Packages for the Security Services Industry.  Interested organizations should complete the Expression of Interest form and return it to QFS by email: or fax: 3106-2035  on or before 14 July 2020.


For more information, please refer to the information note and relevant website.

Invitation to Expression of interest – Assessment Agency (AA) for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Mechanism for the Catering Industry (Western Cuisine) 10 JUN 2020

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the role of AA for the RPL mechanism for the Catering Industry (Western Cuisine).  Interested organisations should complete the Expression of Interest Form and return it to the QFS by email: or fax: 3106 2035 on or before 10 July 2020.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Invitation to Expression of Interest – Project on Updating of Units of Competency (related to Vocational Qualifications Pathway) for the Printing and Publishing Industry 03 JUN 2020

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites interested organisations to express their interest in undertaking the Project on Updating of Units of Competency (related to Vocational Qualifications Pathway) for the Printing and Publishing Industry. Interested organizations should complete the  Expression of Interest  form  and return it to QFS by email: or fax: 3106-2035  on or before  3  July 2020.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Industry Consultation on Specification of Competency Standards for Banking Industry - Corporate/Commercial Banking 16 MAR 2020

The draft Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) for Banking Industry - Corporate/Commercial Banking (Version 2) is ready for industry consultation.  Members of the banking industry are welcome to provide their views/suggestions on the draft SCS from 16 March to 15 June 2020.  The consultation documents can be downloaded below:


Full Version of Draft SCS

Summary Table of Units of Competency (UoCs) at QF Levels 

Progression Pathway


(Online version)  (PDF version)


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Invitation to Expression of interest – Assessment Agency (AA) for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Mechanism for the Electrical & Mechanical Services Industry 12 MAR 2020

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) invites organisations that are interested in undertaking the role of AA for the RPL mechanism for the Electrical & Mechanical Services Industry to express their interests by completing the Expression of Interest Form and returning it to the QFS by email:, by post (address : Qualifications Framework Secretariat, Units 901-903, 9/F., Sunlight Tower, 248 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong) or by fax: 3106 2035 on or before 14 April 2020 (Tue).


Expression of Interest Form


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Consultation on the draft SCS for the logistics industry (10 February 2020 – 9 May 2020) 03 FEB 2020

The Logistics Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) has revised the Specifications of Competency Standards (SCSs) for "Air Freight & Express" and "Supporting & Ancillary Services".  The revised SCSs are now ready for industry consultation which will last for 3 months from 10 February 2020 to 9 May 2020. 


Consultation Sessions (in Cantonese only)


Stakeholders from the Logistics industry including employers, HR personnel, members of trade associations/unions and related organisations are welcome to join the SCS consultation sessions to learn more about the revised SCS and its applications.

The consultation sessions originally scheduled for 11 February 2020 and 19 February 2020 are now postponed.  Please stay tuned for our latest arrangement.


SCSs for Consultation and Online Questionnaires (in Chinese only)


You may express your views on the revised SCSs through the relevant trade associations/unions/organisations, or complete the online questionnaires available on this website (in Chinese only) on or before 9 May 2020.  For download of documents, please refer to the Chinese webpage.                        

English version of the SCSs will be available after the official launch of the Chinese SCSs.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Industry Consultation on the Revised SCSs for the Logistics Industry – “Air Freight & Express” and “Supporting & Ancillary Services” 23 JAN 2020

The Logistics Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) has revised the Specifications of Competency Standards (SCSs) for "Air Freight & Express" and "Supporting & Ancillary Services".  The revised SCSs are now ready for industry consultation which will last for 3 months from 10 February 2020 to 9 May 2020.  Stakeholders from the Logistics industry including employers, HR personnel, members of trade associations/unions and related organisations are welcome to join the consultation sessions.

The consultation sessions originally scheduled for 11 February 2020 and 19 February 2020 are now postponed.  Please stay tuned for our latest arrangement.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Industry Consultation on SCS-based Training Packages on Low Voltage Electrical Installation, Repair and Maintenance in Electrical & Mechanical Services Industry 16 JAN 2020

The draft SCS-based Training Packages on Low Voltage Electrical Installation, Repair and Maintenance in Electrical & Mechanical Services Industry are now ready for industry consultation.  The consultation period will start on 16 January 2020 and end on 15 March 2020.  The Electrical & Mechanical Services Industry Training Advisory Committee will conduct a consultation session on 16 January 2020.


Draft SCS-based Training Packages on Low Voltage Electrical Installation, Repair and Maintenance (Industry Knowledge) (Chinese version Only)

Draft SCS-based Training Packages on Low Voltage Electrical Installation, Repair and Maintenance (Practical Skills) (Chinese version Only)

Draft SCS-based Training Packages on Low Voltage Electrical Installation, Repair and Maintenance (Professional Treatment) (Chinese version Only)

Questionnaire of Industry Consultation on draft SCS-based Training Packages (Chinese version Only)


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Consultation Session on the draft Vocational Qualifications Pathway for Insurance industry 15 JAN 2020

The Insurance Industry Training Advisory Committee and the Qualifications Framework Secretariat jointly organized an industry consultation session on the draft Vocational Qualifications Pathways (VQP) on 15 January 2020. Representatives of the Professional Writer introduced the content of the draft VQPs, and a guest speaker from the banking industry shared experience in the use of VQP. Over 60 representatives of employers, training providers and human resources management practitioners from the industry joined the consultation session and provided valuable comments on the contents and applications of the draft VQP.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Consultation on the draft Vocational Qualifications Pathway for Insurance Industry 13 JAN 2020

The Insurance Industry Training Advisory Committee started two projects on Vocational Qualifications Pathway (VQP) for Insurance industry (General Insurance) and (Life Insurance) respectively in 2019. The competencies and other relevant requirements for typical job roles in claims and underwriting along the VQP have been studied and recommended. The development of VQP aims to encourage practitioners to pursue suitable learning for their own career development, as well as to attract new blood to the industry by providing a clear roadmap for progression. VQP facilitates design of learning programmes which are relevant to employment which, as a result, enhances the quality of manpower training as a whole to support the development of the industry.


The draft VQPs drawn up for the Insurance industry are now ready for consultation (consultation period: 13 January - 29 February 2020). A consultation session will be held on 15 January 2020. The enrolment form of the consultation session can be downloaded at here.


Stakeholders wishing to express views on the draft VQPs can also complete the questionnaire and return it to the Qualifications Framework Secretariat by email (, fax (3106 2035) or by mail (Units 901-903, 9/F, Sunlight Tower, 248 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong).

Item Questionnaire for industry consultation
Vocational Qualifications Pathway for Insurance Industry (General Insurance) Download PDF / Online
Vocational Qualifications Pathway for Insurance Industry (Life Insurance) Download PDF / Online


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Launch of Arboriculture & Horticulture SCS (1st Edition) 09 DEC 2019

For details, please refer to the relevant website.

Get To Know Banking Industry with QF – Smart Banking (2) 06 DEC 2019

The Banking Industry Training Advisory Committee organized a workshop for students to visit the newly established Experience Centre of the PricewaterhouseCoopers on 6 December 2019.  Around 30 students joined the workshop, enjoying the opportunity to experience business innovation with emerging technologies for the banking industry.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Get to know beauty industry with QF: DIY Aroma Perfume and Holistic Massage Workshop 23 NOV 2019

On 23 Nov 2019, Beauty and Hairdressing ITAC organised "DIY Aroma Perfume and Holistic Massage" workshop which aimed to enable students to know about the characteristics of aroma oil and understand the basic knowledge of aromatherapy massage.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Train-the-trainers Session on the SCS-based Training Package for the Hairdressing Industry 21 NOV 2019

The Beauty and Hairdressing Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) has completed development of a set of SCS-based Training Package for Hairdressing industry in 2019.  In order to encourage and facilitate use of the Training Packages by industry practitioners and training providers, the ITAC and the Qualifications Framework Secretariat organised a “Train-the-trainers” session on 21 November 2019 for the professional writer to provide an introduction on the features and applications of the Training Packages.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

QF Seminar on Import & Export 15 NOV 2019

The seminar was held at HKTDC SME centre on 15th November 2019. Speakers including an economist as well as representatives from local enterprises and an education and training institute shared their views on global business environment and experiences in brand building, e-marketing and manpower development. Chairman of Import & Export ITAC, Mr Michael Hui, hosted a panel discussion session with representatives from local enterprise and Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment Agency as well as an awardee of QF Award Scheme for Learning Experiences to exchange their views on the importance of upgrading manpower capability nowadays. (Programme Rundown Chinese version only)


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Get to know Watch & Clock industry with QF: Watch & Clock Workshop 09 NOV 2019

On 9 November 2019, the Watch & Clock Industry Training Advisory Committee organised the second workshop of 2019-20 “Get to know Watch & Clock industry with QF” which aimed to enable students to know more about the progression pathways in the watch and clock industry, experience the watch assembling process by making a DIY watch and visit a watch craftsmanship studio.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Get to know hairdressing industry with QF: 360° Image Lab 02 NOV 2019

On 2 Nov 2019, Beauty and Hairdressing ITAC organised "360° Image Lab" workshop which aimed to enable students to learn the basic concepts of image-styling techniques, and to practise hands-on image design with the assistance of instructors.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Train-the-trainers Session on the SCS-based Training Packages for the Beauty Industry 31 OCT 2019

The Beauty and Hairdressing Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) has completed development of 2 sets of SCS-based Training Packages for Beauty industry in 2019.  In order to encourage and facilitate use of the Training Packages by industry practitioners and training providers, the ITAC and the Qualifications Framework Secretariat organised a “Train-the-trainers” session on 31 October 2019 for the professional writer to provide an introduction on the features and applications of the Training Packages.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Get to know Watch & Clock industry with QF : Watch & Clock Workshop 26 OCT 2019

On 26 October 2019, the Watch & Clock Industry Training Advisory Committee organised the first workshop of 2019-20 “Get to know Watch & Clock industry with QF” which aimed to enable students to know more about the progression pathways in the watch and clock industry, experience the watch assembling process by making a DIY watch and visit a watch craftsmanship studio.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Get to know elderly care service industry with QF - "Dancing with the Golden Age" Experience-based Interactive Workshop 24 OCT 2019

The Elderly Care Service Industry Training Advisory Committee and Qualifications Framework Secretariat organised a "Dancing with the Golden Age" experience-based interactive workshop for secondary school students on 24 October 2019.  Students were given opportunities to experience the preparation of special meals for elderly with swallowing difficulties.  They learned to use different ways to enhance the visual attractiveness of food, such as proper use of thickening powder and different food processors and utensils to change the shape and texture of the food to increase the appetite of the elderly.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Seminar on Use of Credit and Credit Accumulation and Transfer under Qualifications Framework 10 OCT 2019

The Education Bureau and Qualifications Framework Secretariat organised the Seminar on Use of Credit and Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) under Qualifications Framework (QF) on 10 October 2019 in the Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre.  The event aimed to provide an update on the latest development of use of credit and CAT under QF, and to get the participants familiar with the use of QF credit through sharing of experiences and good practices.  Over 180 professionals from the education and training sector joined the event, with a fruitful exchange on the topic.


For details, please refer to the relevant website.

Get To Know Banking Industry with QF – Smart Banking (1) 04 OCT 2019

The Banking Industry Training Advisory Committee organised a workshop for students to visit the digital office of the Hang Seng Bank on 4 October 2019.  Through interactive activities, students enjoyed the opportunity to appreciate design thinking and integrate technological innovation with financial products.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Consultation Session on on the draft Vocational Qualifications Pathway for the Printing & Publishing Industry cum QF Promotion Day 20 SEP 2019

The Printing and Publishing Industry Training Advisory Committee and the Qualifications Framework Secretariat hosted an industry consultation session on the draft Vocational Qualifications Pathways(VQP) for the Printing and Publishing industry cum QF promotion day on 20 September 2019.  Representatives of the Professional Writers introduced the content of the draft VQPs, and the guest speakers shared their views on the usefulness of the VQPs. Furthermore, two awardees from “Award Scheme for Learning Experiences” shared their experiences in participating in the scheme. To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Printing & Publishing ITAC, some former ITAC members also joined the event, and made this event memorable.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Launching Ceremony of the New Phase of Recognition of Prior Learning for the Beauty industry 11 SEP 2019

The Launching Ceremony of the New Phase of Recognition of Prior Learning for the beauty industry was held on 11 September 2019, with participation of more than 100 guests.  Starting from 2 July 2019, Caritas Institute of Community Education has been appointed by EDB as the RPL Assessment Agency for beauty industry to enable practitioners to receive formal recognition of the knowledge, skills and experience already acquired.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Consultation on the draft Vocational Qualifications Pathway for Printing & Publishing Industry 06 SEP 2019

The Printing & Publishing Industry Training Advisory Committee started two projects on Vocational Qualifications Pathway (VQP) for Printing industry and Publishing industry respectively in late 2018.  The competencies and other relevant requirements for principal job positions along the VQP have been studied and recommended.  The development of VQP aims to encourage practitioners to pursue suitable learning for their personal career development, as well as to attract new blood to the industry by providing a clear roadmap for progression.  VQP facilitates design of learning programmes which are relevant to employment which, as a result, enhances the quality of manpower training as a whole to support development of the industry.


The draft VQPs drawn up for the printing and publishing industry are now ready for consultation (consultation period: 6 September – 18 October 2019).  A consultation session was held on 20 September 2019.  Please click here to view the photos of the event. 


Stakeholders wishing to express views on the draft VQPs can also complete the questionnaire (Chinese version only) and return it to the Qualifications Framework Secretariat by email (, fax (3106 2035) or by mail (Qualifications Framework Secretariat, Units 901-903, 9/F, Sunlight Tower, 248 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong).


(Chinese version only)

Questionnaire for industry consultation

(Chinese version only)

Vocational Qualifications Pathway for Printing Industry (Prepress function)

Download PDF / Online

Vocational Qualifications Pathway for Publishing Industry (Editorial function)

Download PDF / Online


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Sharing Session on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for Retail Industry 16 AUG 2019

The Retail Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) and the Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) jointly organized a sharing session on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for Retail industry on 16 August 2019.  Besides introducing Qualifications Framework and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) mechanism by representatives from QFS and RPL Unit, Ms. Doris Fu, Education & Training Manager, Mekim Limited, Ms. Lamon Lau, Assistant Talent Development Manager, Kee Wah Bakery Limited and Mr. Thomas Tsang, Senior Retail Operation Executive, were invited to share the benefits of RPL and their experiences of applying RPL in the area of human resources (HR) development.  About 50 representatives from employers, HR departments and education & training providers participated in this event.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding on the development and implementation of professional qualifications system and Qualifications Frameworks between Qualifications Framework Secretariat and Thailand Professional Qualification Institute 01 AUG 2019

On August 1, 2019, Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) signed a second Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (TPQI) to enhance collaboration and facilitate exchange and experience sharing on qualifications frameworks. The MOU provides the framework for collaboration between Hong Kong and TPQI on the QF. It also further strengthens the partnership and collaboration that support the development and implementation of the QF of both places.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Train-the-trainers Session on the SCS-based Training Packages for the Watch & Clock Industry 25 JUL 2019

The Watch & Clock Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) has completed development of 2 sets of SCS-based Training Packages in 2019.  In order to encourage and facilitate use of the Training Packages by industry practitioners and training providers, the ITAC and the Qualifications Framework Secretariat organised a “Train-the-trainers” session on 25 July 2019 for the professional writer to provide an introduction on the features and applications of the Training Packages. 


Download <Watch & Clock industry – SCS-based Training Package>  (Chinese version only)


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Catering Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) and QF Secretariat attended the Launch Ceremony of HKJC Membership Hospitality Academy 23 JUL 2019

The Catering ITAC and the QF Secretariat attended the launch ceremony of the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) Membership Hospitality Academy on 23 July 2019.  In his officiating speech, the Secretary for Education, Kevin YEUNG, welcomed the establishment of the Academy and its provision of QF-recognised in-house training programmes to enhance professional development and encourage lifelong learning.  Riding on the platform of Qualifications Framework, the Education Bureau will continue to work with different stakeholders in promoting the Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) and diversity in qualifications.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Briefing Session on "Training Subsidy Scheme for the Staff of Residential Care Homes" 08 JUL 2019

The Qualifications Framework Secretariat was invited by the Social Welfare Department to deliver briefings on Qualifications Framework (QF) to Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs), Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities (RCHDs) as well as training institutes on 5 and 8 July 2019.  The subsidised courses under the “Training Subsidy Scheme for the Staff of Residential Care Homes” launched by the Social Welfare Department must be quality-assured under QF, as one of the mandatory requirements.  Learners who successfully completed these courses will be awarded a QF-recognised qualification.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Get to know elderly care service industry with QF - "Having Fun to be an Elderly" Experience-based Interactive Workshop (3) 08 JUL 2019

The Elderly Care Service Industry Training Advisory Committee organised the third session of "Having Fun to be an Elderly" experience-based interactive workshop for secondary school students on 8 July 2019.  Students were given opportunities to experience normal ageing and to use assistive devices for daily living of the elderly.  In addition, students formed groups and planned activities for the elderly.  They were also given to know the career progression of joining the elderly care service industry.  


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Get To Know Banking Industry with QF – Smart Banking 05 JUL 2019

The Banking Industry Training Advisory Committee organized two workshops for students to visit the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Standard Chartered Bank on 5 July 2019 respectively.  More than 70 students joined the activities and had a fruitful exchange on FinTech development around the world and career planning in the banking industry.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Industry Consultation on the Draft SCS-based Training Packages for Beauty Industry 02 JUL 2019

The Beauty and Hairdressing Industry Training Advisory Committee and the Qualifications Framework Secretariat co-organised an industry consultation session on the drafts of Hairdressing SCS-based Training Packages on 2 July 2019.  The Professional Writer introduced the content of the drafts.  Over 30 representatives of employers, training providers and human resources management practitioners from the industry joined the consultation session and provided valuable comments on the contents and possible applications of the draft Training Packages.


For more information, please refer to the relevant website.

Indication of QF Credit for Learning Programmes at QF Levels 5 to 7 on the Qualifications Register 29 JUN 2019

For details, please refer to the relevant press release.

Launch of Operational Guidelines on Use of Credit under QF (2019) 28 JUN 2019

QF credit serves as a common currency under the HKQF, measuring the volume or size of learning of a qualification. It enables learners to understand the extent of effort to be spent to complete the learning process and attain the learning outcomes of the relevant qualification. Under the HKQF, one QF credit consists of 10 notional learning hours. It takes into account the total time likely to be spent by an average learner in all modes of learning, including attendance in classes, on-line learning, practical learning, self-study, examination, etc.


For details, please refer to the relevant website.

Enhancement Measures of RPL Support Scheme 01 JUN 2019

For details, please refer to the relevant website.